myLPFM v3.5 Help from REC Networks

RadioDNS with myLPFM


RadioDNS is an open source protocol to provide hybrid radio services for radio stations worldwide. RadioDNS is used by compatible consumer receivers which uses a combination of the over the air broadcast and a connection to the internet. Using information from Radio Data System (RDS) or HD Radio™, the compatible receiver will make a query to RadioDNS which will then direct the radio to a service provider that hosts extended metadata about the station including the station's name, description, genres, website links, internet streams and logo graphics. Advanced features in RadioDNS include the ability for the station to deliver program schedules and other visuals to the receiver.

LPFM stations that use myLPFM will use REC Networks as their service provider. Unlike other broadcast technologies, RadioDNS is not proprietary, requires no licensing, has any patents and therefore can be provided at no charge to either the broadcast station or the listener.

REC's offering of RadioDNS on myLPFM

REC is providing free to charge to all licensed LPFM stations, the opportunity to register their station to provide hybrid radio services for basic features such as the station's name, description, links and logos.

For REC Clients with a historical minimum spend of $350, we also provide the ability to integrate the LPFM station's internet stream to support Service Following, a feature that permits the receiver to automatically revert to the stream when a listener leaves the FM service area.

REC's offering of RadioDNS does not include advanced features such as program schedules and visuals. Stations wanting that type of functionality should consider the paid content management system solutions offered by our friends at Aiir.

Who is already using RadioDNS?

In the United States, several major broadcast owners including iHeart Media, Cumulus, Urban One, Salem and Educational Media Foundation (K-Love) have already deployed the service. Other independent stations, such as clients of Aiir's content management system solution are also connected to RadioDNS.

Any manufacturer can produce a radio that uses RadioDNS data without the need of entering a contract or licensing agreement. So far, some auto manufacturers, including Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi and BMW have already publicly announced that they are embracing this technology.

If only so few automakers are including RadioDNS, why should my station bother with this?

It is simple, any enhanced exposure, especially if it can be done with little to no investment by the LPFM station is good exposure. RadioDNS through myLPFM will allow LPFM stations, many of which have very limited budgets to be able to have a presence on the dashboard just like the big guys. This results in increasing the value and relevance of radio overall, especially in a sea of competition from non-radio providers on the dashboard.

Also, since this technology is not proprietary or licensed for exclusive use by specific manufacturers, any manufacturer can embrace the technology and add it without any advanced licensing by RadioDNS. The architecture is 100% open.

LPFM station requirements

For a RadioDNS compatible receiver to discover your station's extended information, the LPFM station must be equipped with a Radio Data System (RDS) encoder. Many LPFM certified transmitters already have RDS built in. The RDS encoder must be properly programmed with the correct Program Identification (PI) code, which represents your station's call sign. Your station's PI code can be found in myLPFM on the icon Station Information option, within the icon RadioDNS option or at

LPFM stations operating HD Radio will also be able to have their HD2, HD3 and HD4 subchannels listed as separate programming services with their own station names, logo graphics and internet streams for Service Following.

Again, there are no licensing or service fees required to either RadioDNS nor to REC for the provision of RadioDNS hybrid radio services.

Preparation of logo graphics

Prior to starting RadioDNS hybrid radio services, the LPFM station is going to need to create five graphic files of the station's logo. These logos will be used for buttons and other features on the receiver.

Logo graphics must be in the following dimensions:

  • 32 pixels wide by 32 pixels long
  • 112 pixels wide by 32 pixels long
  • 128 pixels wide by 128 pixels long
  • 320 pixels wide by 240 pixels long
  • 600 pixels wide by 600 pixels long

Graphics must be in either .png or .jpg format at at least 72 inches per pixel. The station can use graphics software, such as Adobe Photoshop or other similar applications to create the graphics. REC suggests that your 32x32 and 112x32 graphics should be done in a manner that assures maximum visibility and should be a variant of your station's logo, especially if it a complex image.

Please note that these graphics must be those exact dimensions. myLPFM will not resize bigger graphics.

Starting RadioDNS for the first time

To start RadioDNS, click on the magnifying glass icon RadioDNS icon on either the left menu or on the Main Menu screen.

The system will give a brief introduction to RadioDNS. If your station's RDS is already activated with the correct PI code, check the box to confirm that your station currently has an active RDS decoder and that it is properly configured with the PI code shown in myLPFM. If the LPFM station has also deployed HD Radio, click on that box also. Then click [Submit]. The RadioDNS support system will come up with several tabs to fill out.

NOTE: When filling out entries on a tab, make sure the click the appropriate Update button before going to a different tab. Otherwise, your entries will not be saved.

Transmitter tab

During the intial process, this the information is already pre-set and you do not have to make any changes at this time. When you complete all of the entries, you will come back to this page. We will discuss that later in this document.

Cost Priority

This field exists on the transmitter tab for the FM (and HD if your station is equipped) service(s) as well as for audio streams for Client users. The number entered in this field is the source (FM/HD vs. stream) that will be first utilized by giving the source with the lowest cost the most preferred source. For FM and HD, this value should be set to 1.


This is a value that is used when switching between FM/HD and audio streaming to assure that the transition is smooth. This value is the delay time in milliseconds. For FM and HD, this value should be set at 0.

Programming tab

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

On the programming tab, analog FM stations can set their station's name in three formats: a short name (up to 8 characters), a medium name (up to 16 characters) and a long name (up to 1,200 characters). Most radios will display the short and medium names on buttons where the long name may appear after the station is selected. It is however, the radio manafacturer implements these names. When the LPFM station accesses myLPFM RadioDNS for the first time, these fields may already be pre-filled with the station's name that appears in their listing. These fields can be changed to your station's liking.

There are fields for a short description (up to 180 characters) and a long description (up to 1,200 characters). These are used to give a description of your station. Manufacturers may use the short description on the station's now playing screens on the radio where the long description may be used in something like an 'About this station' feature on the radio receiver.

You can optionally enter in search key words that can allow your station to come up when the listener types in a certain search term on their receiver. Each keyword must be separated by a comma and up to 256 characters are permitted in this field.

When finished with these fields, please make sure that you click on [Save Station Information] before proceeding to the Genre information below or to another tab.

Genre information

Stations can add one or more genre codes based on what types of music the station plays and the other services they offer. Genre codes are based on the European TVAnywhere standard and may not directly reflect American radio formats. Choose the codes that best reflect your station.

To add a genre, first make sure you saved the information about the station by clicking on the [Save Station Information] button, then select the 'main genre' to see a list of genres to start with and then once you select a main genre, use the 'select sub genre' to select a more granular aspect of that genre. If you wish to use the main genre only, select the same genre name in the sub gendre. To save the genre, click on [Add Genre]. If you wish to delete one of the genres previous selected, click on the 'Delete Genre' link to the right of the genre code previously selected.

HD1/HD2/HD3/HD4 tabs

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

Stations operating HD Radio will see these four tabs instead of the 'Programming' tab. Each tab represents each of your station's HD sub-channels. The information collected on the HD tabs is the same as described in the 'Programming' tab outlined above. The HD1 tab represents both your analog FM and HD1 programming streams. On the HD2, HD3 and HD4 tabs, make sure to click the 'box for the 'Enable HD-2 (HD-3, HD-4) Stream' option if those HD channels will be in use and will be connected to RadioDNS hybrid radio.

Streams tab

Feature avaialble for REC Clients with a $350 minimum spend.

On this tab, you will enter the information about any internet streams for the station. You may have more than one stream. Each stream must have the same programming. Multiple streams are added when a station streams in multiple bitrates.

Internet streams are used as the fallback for Service Following when the listener leaves or re-enters the FM service area. Some receivers may use this stream when the listener is outside the FM area and selects the station on their favorites list.

Stream URL

This is the URL to directly access the stream. This is not a web page where there is a link to a stream (such as TuneIn or the Live365 station page, but is the URL of the direct stream itself. This would normally be a Shoutcast or Icecast stream. If you do not know your station's streaming URL(s), please contact your streaming provider.

Stream Type

The codec that your stream uses. myLPFM supports MPEG (MP3) and AAC streams only. If you don't know, please contact your streaming provider.

Stream Bitrate

The stream's bitrate in kilobits per second (kbps).

Stream Cost Priority

The number entered in this field is the source (FM/HD vs. stream) that will be first utilized by giving the source with the lowest cost the most preferred source. This value should be set higher than 1. If the station operates multiple streams, select values that would give one stream priority over the other. For example, if the station operates both a 128K and a 64K MPEG stream, you can set a value of 2 to the 128K stream and a value of 3 to the 64K stream. This will have the radio receiver first prefer the FM signal, then the 128K stream and then the 64K stream.


This is a value that is used when switching between FM/HD and audio streaming to assure that the transition is smooth. This value is the delay time in milliseconds. This value is the average delay time between when the audio is broadcast over FM and when it is heard over the stream.

When finished with all entries, click on [Add New Stream] to save the stream information. Repeat for each stream you want to add.

Links tab

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

On this tab, this is where you can enter methods of how the listener can get in contact with or otherwise interact with the station.

If the station is running HD, you will need to enter this data for each of the active HD subchannels. There will be a pull down box to select which HD subchannel you are working with.

Websites and social media pages

This is a place where you can post your station's home page, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud, etc. For link type, select 'Website/Social Media Page' Enter the nature of the website in 'Description'. Paste the URL for the page in 'Website URL' (include the http:// or https:// first) and then click [Add New Link].

Telephone number

To enter a telephone number select telephone number for 'Link Type'. Enter a description for the telephone number under 'Description'. In 'Telephone Number/SMS Code', enter the 10 digit telephone number with no dashes, spaces or using letters instead of numbers (e.g. use 520-5732 instead of 520-KREC) then click on [Add New Link].

SMS (Text Messaging)

To add Short Messaging Service (SMS), otherwise known as text messaging, select SMS (Text Messaging) under 'Link Type'. Enter a description of the link under 'Description' (i.e. "Reach us by text!", etc.). In 'Telephone Number/SMS Code', enter the telephone number that will receive the text. You may also enter 6 digit short codes if your station uses them. If the listener is to send some kind of a keyword in the text (i.e. "Text SALAD to 123456..."), enter that word in 'SMS Keyword'.

When finished with all entries, click on [Add New Link] to enter the information. Repeat for each link item you want to add.

Logos tab

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

On this tab, you will upload the 5 logo graphics that you had previously created.

Graphics must be either JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg file extension) or PNG (.png file extension) and limited to 100 KB per file.

For the best listener experience and to reduce driver distraction, it would be best to use transparent PNG, especially for the larger files.

Graphics must be exact dimensions (32x32, 132x32, 128x128, 320x240 and 600x600). myLPFM will not resize graphics that are the wrong size. Instead, it will reject the upload.

To upload a graphic file, select the logo size that is being uploaded, click on [Choose File] to find the graphic file on your PC, double click on that graphic file and then click on [Upload Image File]. Repeat for each of the 5 graphics. You will see the graphic uploaded above.

For HD stations, also select which HD subchannel the graphic applies to. Load a set of 5 graphics for each HD subchannel.


Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

Once you have filled out the information on the Programming (HD1/HD2/HD3/HD4), Streams (if REC Client), Links and Logo tabs, click on the 'Transmitter' tab and then check the box for 'Enable RadioDNS' and click [Update Main Configuration]. You are no ready to register your station.

Click on the 'Register' tab. On this tab, you will see information about your station, including the information that will be submitted to RadioDNS on your behalf. Enter your email address in 'Station staff email'. This is an address where if RadioDNS has any questions about your registration request, they can contact you. You will also be sent a copy of the registration email generated by myLPFM at that email address. After entering your email address, click on [Register my Station]. myLPFM will then send the registration email to RadioDNS.

Please allow up to 72 working hours for the registration request to be fulfilled. RadioDNS will usually email you when the process is completed. Once registered, your RadioDNS data will be live and reaching consumer radio receivers.

Connectivity Test

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

The Connectivity Test emulates a RadioDNS receiver and follows the processes needed to acquire your station's metadata and logo graphics. This test will work even if you are receiving RadioDNS from another provider such as Aiir. If you are using a different provider, you cannot update your station information through myLPFM.

To start the test, click on [Perform Connectivity Test]. Please allow some time for the tests to complete.

If your station is HD Radio, it will perform 5 tests, one for your analog FM signal and one for each HD subchannel. If your station is not using all 4 HD subchannels, some tests may return as 'Failure'. This is normal and you can disregard Failure results on unused subchannels.

The detailed test will show any points where there is any failure. It will also show the information that myLPFM or your service provider has on file. If any of the data is incorrect and you are using myLPFM as your service provider, you can then proceed to the appropriate tab and change the data on that tab. Changes like this do not require reregistration and will go live within 20 minutes of making the change.

Updating metadata or graphics

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

You can update your station's name, description, keywords, genres, streams, website links, telephone number, SMS codes and logos without the need to re-register. Just click on icon RadioDNS to access the RadioDNS tabs. Click on the appropriate tab you want to edit and make the change making sure to click on any save button on the tab.

Changes made will reflect in RadioDNS within 20 minutes. You can see your station's current information by clicking on the 'Test' tab and running a Connectivity Test.

LPFM channel or call sign changes

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

Whenever an LPFM station changes their channel (either due to incoming interference or as a result of a station move) or the station changes their call sign, a new registration with RadioDNS is required.

Due to the current design of myLPFM, either of these changes will result in a temporary interruption in RadioDNS services as myLPFM uses the frequency and call sign showing in the FCC's facility record. Normally, the FCC facility record is not updated until about 2 business days after the license to cover application is granted on a construction permit or until about 2 business days after the effective date of a granted call sign request.

After the station's new channel or call sign is reflected in myLPFM, return to the icon RadioDNS option. You will receive an advisory message that registration is required. Click on the 'Register' tab and enter your email address. This will send an email to RadioDNS to register your new frequency or call sign.

If changing your call sign, remember to update your RDS encoder with the PI code appropriate for the new call sign. The PI code can be found on the icon Station Information option, the 'Transmitters' tab or at

REC is working on a method where FCC applications resulting in channel or call sign changes will result in the ability for a station to 'bridge' from the old to the new paramters and then eventually dropping off the old parameters after the transition is complete. This will be in a future release.

LPFM Translators

At this time, myLPFM does not support adding additional FM transmitters to a RadioDNS record. Therefore, logo and metadata information will not display for the translator, even if the translator is transmitting the same RDS PI code as the primary station. For Client stations where streaming has been set, the listener may hear the station through the stream as opposed to the translator if the listener is also outside of the primary LPFM station's coverage area.

REC is working on a feature for Clients to add additional transmitters and will put that in a future release.

This functionality is also available through the paid services from Aiir.

LPFM Boosters

LPFM Boosters are additional transmitters operating on the same channel as the primary LPFM station and use the same call sign. As long as the booster has RDS encoding and is using the same PI code as the primary station, receivers with RadioDNS will be able to discover the station. Listeners of Client stations using streams will hear the FM broadcast as opposed to the stream in areas where the booster can be picked up.

There are no extra configuration or registration requirements for an LPFM station adding a booster.

Upgrading station to HD Radio™

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

If the LPFM station is already active on RadioDNS through myLPFM and then upgrades to HD Radio, you will need to make changes in myLPFM.

Click on icon RadioDNS, it will take you to the 'Transmitter' tab. On this tab, check the box for 'Station has HD Radio' and then click on [Update Main Configuration].

You will notice that your 'Programming' tab is gone and was replaced by four tabs: 'HD-1', 'HD-2', 'HD-3' and 'HD-4'. Your previously saved data from the 'Programming' tab will now appear on the 'HD-1' tab. This tab will control the metadata for both your analog FM and HD-1 operation.

If your station is now using a subchannel, click on that subchannel's tab. Check the box for 'Enable HD-2 (HD-3 or HD-4) Stream' and then enter the information about that subchannel and click on [Save Station Infomation] to save the data. You can also add genre codes on this tab. Then, you can go to the Links and Logos tabs to add in the appropriate information for the HD subchannel. On each of those tabs, there is a dropdown that asks which HD subchannel you are updating. If you are an REC Client, you can also click on the Streams tab to add the subchannel's streaming information. Remember to save data on a tab before proceeding to another tab.

Once you have entered all of the information, re-registration is required. Click on the 'Register' tab and put in your email address then click on [Register my Station]. MyLPFM will send an email to RadioDNS with your registration information and a copy to you. Please allow up to 72 hours for registration. You can verify your connectivity by using the 'Test' tab.

Adding an HD Radio subchannel

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

If your HD Radio station adds a new subchannel (HD2, HD3 or HD4), you can enable RadioDNS for that subchannel.

Click on that subchannel's tab. Check the box for 'Enable HD-2 (HD-3 or HD-4) Stream' and then enter the information about that subchannel and click on [Save Station Infomation] to save the data. You can also add genre codes on this tab. Then, you can go to the Links and Logos tabs to add in the appropriate information for the HD subchannel. On each of those tabs, there is a dropdown that asks which HD subchannel you are updating. If you are an REC Client, you can also click on the Streams tab to add the subchannel's streaming information. Remember to save data on a tab before proceeding to another tab.

Once you have entered all of the information, re-registration is required. Click on the 'Register' tab and put in your email address then click on [Register my Station]. MyLPFM will send an email to RadioDNS with your registration information and a copy to you. Please allow up to 72 hours for registration. You can verify your connectivity by using the 'Test' tab.

Upgrading RadioDNS from myLPFM to Aiir CMS

Aiir offers content management system (CMS) services to radio stations to provide them with a website for a modest monthly fee. Aiir's CMS also includes enhanced connectivity to RadioDNS including program schedules which are not provided with the myLPFM solution.

If the LPFM station eventually signs up for content management system (CMS) services from our friends at Aiir, The station should transition their RadioDNS services to Aiir.

In the Aiir CMS:

  • Click on the menu button and click on 'Stations' and then select your station.
  • Click on the RadioDNS tab.
  • Enter in all of your station's data including names, descriptions, keywords, genres, descriptions and streams; upload your station's graphics, and then change 'Publish metdata' to 'ON'.
  • Click on the [Save changes] button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click on the 'Stations' link near the top center of the page.
  • Click on [Publish to RadioDNS...]
  • Enter your email address and the click on [Send to RadioDNS]

Once the registration process is completed, access myLPFM and go to icon RadioDNS. On the transmitter tab, uncheck the box for 'Enable RadioDNS' and then click on 'Update Main Configuration'. This will remove your station's metadata from the information distributed by myLPFM.

You can use the Connectivity Test on the 'Test' tab to verify that your LPFM station's RadioDNS has transitioned to Aiir.

If you are changing to a different service provider or hosting the data yourself, you can disable myLPFM hosted RadioDNS by just unchecking the 'Enable RadioDNS' box and clicking on 'Update Main Configuration'.

The Connectivity Test option ('Test' tab) can be used regardless of whom provides your RadioDNS services.

References - Learn about RadioDNS.

ETSI TS 103 270 v1.4.1 - RadioDNS Hybrid Radio; Hybrid lookup for radio services (May 9, 2022)

ETSI TS 102 818 v3.4.1 - Service and Programme Information (May 9, 2022) (Programme Information is not supported by myLPFM but Service Information is.)

ETSI TS 101 499 v3.1.1 - Slideshow (not supported by myLPFM)

Learn more about Aiir CMS

RadioDNS Hybrid Radio is a registered trademark of RadioDNS Limited.

HD Radio is a registered trademark of Xperi.