myLPFM v3.5 Help from REC Networks

Move LPFM Station to New Location

This can be used if the station is seeking to move the transmitter to a different location. The target location will be checked based on the existing § 73.807 and 73.825 distance separation rules.

This option can be accessed by clicking on the binoculars icon icon on the Left Menu.

Feature Availability

Feature REC Clients with $350 minimum spend All other myLPFM users
Maximum search radius 20 Miles 10 Miles
Search by street address Yes  
Search by geographic coordinates Yes Yes
Search by antenna structure registration number Yes Yes
Naming the search site Yes Yes
Channel search history Yes Yes

Maximum Search Radius

Stations that are REC Clients with a minimum spend may use this tool to check for channels within 20 miles of the currently licensed LPFM transmitter site. All other myLPFM users can check locations within 10 miles.

Search History

myLPFM will now track all of the previous Channel Searches that you conducted based on this current LPFM facility. To view those past searches, click on Review Channel Search History. More information about this feature can be found here.

Naming a Search Site

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

Optionally, you can give the search site a name. This name will appear in the Channel Search History so you can bring it back up at a later time.

Search by Street Address

Feature avaialble for REC Clients with a $350 minimum spend.

REC Client users can search for a location by street address. To use this option, enter the street address where the proposed LPFM transmitter site would be located. The form is auto-fill so it will guess the address as you go along. When you see the correct address in the pull down, click on that address and then click on the [Find Channels at New Location] button. A screen will appear with a satellite map of the address entered. The red teardrop indicates the location of proposed station (at the bottom of the point). To 'fine tune' the actual location of the antenna site, drag the teardrop to the exact location where the antenna will be located and then click on the [Find channels at new location] button. The channel search will then begin.

Search by Geographic Coordinates

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

If you know the geographic coordinates of the proposed antenna site, you can enter them either degree/minute/second (DMS) or decimal format.

The Channel Search assumes the location to be in north latitude and west longitude. For entry of longitude, there is no need to input the minus sign before the value. For example, for -118.3244 longitude, you need to enter 118.3244.

Some GPS units may give the result in degrees and decimal minutes (such as -118 17.402). These types of values are not accepted by myLPFM and must be converted into either DMS or decimal format.

myLPFM uses NAD83 coordinates. WGS84, which are produced by Google Maps and many GPS units is comparable to NAD83 and can be used without conversion. Legacy NAD27 coordinates, which were used on FM broadcast applications from prior to September, 2019 must be converted to NAD83. To make the conversion, click on the 'Convert from NAD27' link to be directed to the NOAA website where the coordinates can be converted.

Search by Tower

Feature avaialble for all myLPFM users.

If you know the tower's FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number (ASRN), you may enter that instead of the address or coordinates. You may also enter in the call sign of another FM broadcast station, LPFM station or FM translator station on the same tower.

Running the Channel Search

After the location information is entered by address, coordinates or tower ID, click on the [Find channels at new location] button to continue the search.

For information on the channel search results, see the Channel Search Help Page